Alamosa wrestling teams pick up three wins

By KEN HAMRICK, Courier sports editor
Posted 2/1/25

ALAMOSA – The second-ranked Alamosa High School boys wrestling team won two dual meets, and the 10th-ranked girls team had one dual meet win Thursday at the AHS gym.

The Mean Moose …

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Alamosa wrestling teams pick up three wins


ALAMOSA – The second-ranked Alamosa High School boys wrestling team won two dual meets, and the 10th-ranked girls team had one dual meet win Thursday at the AHS gym.

The Mean Moose defeated ninth-ranked Gunnison 61-12 and Florence 54-15, while the Lady Mean Moose defeated 15th-ranked Gunnison 24-12.

“We actually wrestled really good,” said Alamosa coach Rusty Johnson. “We’re getting over our sickness and everybody’s feeling good.”

Alamosa girls 24, Gunnison 12

There was only one match that occurred on the Mat as Alamosa’s Leah Pintor pinned Brynn Anderson in 2:46 at 100 pounds.

Gunnison tied the match at 6-6 as Isabella Brown won by forfeit at 105. But Kennedy Hillis (110), Gizelle Meraz (115) and Samantha Maestas (120) all won their matches by forfet.

Gunnison’s Rosie Uhrig won by forfeit at 140.

Alamosa boys 61, Gunnison 12

The dual meet started at 150 pounds and the Mean Moose won the first three matches by forfeit with Dyson Woodward (150), Ryan Cordova (157) and Jace Morgan (165) all picking up wins.

At 175 pounds, Andrew Gonzales defeated Angel Zeferino by a 9-1 major decision. Max Dokson pinned Gavin Schmilone in 33 seconds at 190, and Aaron Jordon took a forfeit win at 285.

At 106 pounds, Jonovan Gutierrez recorded a 16-0 technical fall over Lincoln Hunter. The match ended at the 2:31 mark.

Jeremiah DeLaCerda won by forfeit at 113, Anthony Meder pinned Julian Patrick in 2:23 at 120, Pablito Rodriguez won by a 16-6 major decision over Cody Casebolt at 126, and Elijah Salazar won by forfeit at 132.

The Cowboys won the final two matches. Zach Benson pinned Caleb Quintana in 1:59 at 138, and Malachi P:erez won by forfeit at 144.

Alamosa 54, Florence 15

DeLaCerda opened the dual meet by pinning Mikey Cornella in 2:42 at 106 pounds. The Mean Moose then picked up two quick falls as Meder pinned Godfrey Colon in 16 seconds at 113, and Rodriguez finished off Justin Suddeth in 47 seconds at 120.

Alamosa also won the next two matches by fall. Uriah Martinez pinned Gidone Cervantes in 2:53 at 126, and Salazar pinned Calvin Carter in 1:47 at 132 to give the Mean Moose a 30-0 lead.

The Huskies got on the board in the 138-pound match as Gabriel Sullivan won by a 7-4 decision over Quintana.

Woodward then recorded a fall over Anthony Hall in 57 seconds at 150.

Florence won the match at 157 pounds as Tanner Kammerriener pinned Cordova in 48 seconds.

The Mean Moose won the next three matches by fall. Morgan pinned Ethan Batulis in 1:12 at 165, Gonzales pinned Isiah Jordan in 1:36 at 175, and Dokson pinned Damien Schaffer in 4:50 at 190.

Florence won the final match as Kiefer Duclos pinned Jordan in 24 seconds.

The Alamosa boys will end the regular season on Saturday as they will travel to Pagosa Springs for the Intermountain League cross-over match. The dual meet begins at 10 a.m.

“Pagosa has a full team and they’re tough in half the weights,” Johnson said. “They’re tough in a couple of places where we’re tough, so it’s going to be a really good dual.”

The girls team concluded the regular season on Friday at the Walsenburg Invitational.

The regional tournaments are next week. The Alamosa boys will be at the Class 3A Region 4 Tournament at Pueblo Centennial, and the girls are at the Class 4A Region 3 Tournament at Canon City.

Other regional tournaments involving local schools include Centauri going to the Class 3A Region 3 Tournament at Parachute, the Antonito, Center, Del Norte, Sargent and Sierra Grande/Centennial boys going to the Class 2A Region Tournament at Walsenburg, the Monte Vista boys at the Class 2A Region 2 Tournament at Ignacio, and the Antonito, Del Norte and Monte Vista girls at the Class 4A Region 1 Tournament at La Junta.

Alamosa girls 24, Gunnison 12

100 – Pintor (A) pinned Anderson, 2:46; 105 – Brown (G) by forfeit; 110 – Hillis (A) by forfeit; 115 – Meraz (A) by forfeit; 120 – Maestas (A) by forfeit; 125 – no match; 130 – no match; 135 – no match; 140 – Uhrig (G) by forfeit; 145 – no match; 155 – no match; 170 – no match; 190 – no match; 235 – no match.

Alamosa boys 61, Gunnison 12

150 – Woodward (A) by forfeit; 157 – Cordova (A) by forfeit; 165 – Morgan (A) by forfeit; 175 – Gonzales (A) maj. dec. Zeferino, 9-1; 190 – Dokson (A) pinned Schmilome, 0:33; 215 – no match; 285 – Jordan (A) by forfeit; 106 – Gutierrez (A) tech. fall Hunter, 16-0, 2:31; 113 – DeLaCerda (A) by forfeit; 120 – Meder (A) pinned Patrick, 2:27; 126 – Rodriguez (A) maj. dec. Casebolt, 16-6; 132 – Salazar (A) by forfeit; 138 – Benson (G) pinned Quintana, 1:59; 144 – Perez (G) by forfeit.

Alamosa boys 54, Florence 15

106 – DeLaCerda (A) pinned Cornella, 2:42; 113 – Meder (A) pinned Colon, 0:16; 120 – Rodriguez (A) pinned Suddeth, 0:47; 126 – Martinez (A) pinned Cervantes, 2:53; 132 – Salazar (A) pinned Carter, 1:47; 138 – Sullivan (F) dec. Quintana, 7-4; 144 – no match; 150 – Woodward (A) pinned Hall, 0:57; 157 – Kammerriener (F) pinned Cordova, 0:48; 165 – Morgan (A) pinned Batulis, 1:12; 175 – Gonzales (A) pinned Jordan, 1:36; 190 – Dokson (A) pinned Schaffer, 4:50; 215 – no match; 285- Duclos (F) pinned Jordan, 0:24.