CPW to conduct bighorn sheep collaring project in La Garita

Posted 1/18/25

DEL NORTE — Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) biologists will soon start a project to fit bighorn sheep with satellite GPS collars in the La Garita area.  

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CPW to conduct bighorn sheep collaring project in La Garita


DEL NORTE — Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) biologists will soon start a project to fit bighorn sheep with satellite GPS collars in the La Garita area.  

CPW will utilize helicopters to locate bighorn sheep for the study, which may be visible to the public. The goal is to place ten GPS collars on bighorns in Bighorn Sheep Unit 55, northwest of Del Norte. 

The project involves the Natural Arch and Carnero Creek herd. Location data provided by the collars will help inform biologists about bighorn distribution across the landscape during different times of the year. 

“We need to better understand where our wild sheep from these groups are in proximity to nearby domestic sheep grazing allotments,” said CPW biologist Brent Frankland. “These collars will help CPW make more informed management decisions.” 

The project is slated to begin in late January or possibly early February. For more information, contact the CPW Monte Vista office at 719-587-6900.