RIO GRANDE COUNTY — During the Rio Grande County Commissioner meeting on Wednesday, June 15, Rio Grande County Sheriff Don McDonald announced that the department’s Victim Advocate Courtney Arthur received National Advocate Credential Program (NACP) certification which will serve the department in several ways, including the potential for more funding in the future.
The program is a means to provide a more professional label to the program which in turn enhances recognition and services from outside agencies who can help strengthen the program in the county. Arthur has been working to improve the county program since she came on board almost five years ago and the program has grown exponentially since.
NACP credentialed advocates are encouraged to use the initials “CA” (Credentialed Advocate) after their names to exercise their professional standing in the victim advocacy field. For example, Registered Nurses or “RNs” are immediately recognized as professionals signified by the initials after their names.
NACP promotes the use of the CA initials by credentialed advocates to move toward the same recognition and the professionalization of our field. In addition to the NACP displayable credential certificate and wallet card, advocates should use the CA on their business cards and signature lines to further distinguish themselves among their colleagues.
Earlier this year, Arthur applied for a grant to help fund the program and to increase the services she can offer victims and now that she has the NACP certification, she will potentially increase her chances of being approved for the grant and other grants in the future.