ALAMOSA — With an Arctic blast of cold weather set to chill large parts of the country this weekend, the outdoor enthusiast community in Alamosa and beyond who participate in the annual Rio Frio Ice Fest fun are eagerly anticipating the colder weather.
ALAMOSA – In effort to transform education to workforce, Valley-Wide Health Systems (Valley-Wide) is proud to announce the donation of its Heart & Eagle Mobile Unit to The Attainment Network. The fully equipped mobile unit includes one medical exam room and one dental operatory, which will now support the creation of a new Mobile Learning Lab.
ALAMOSA – As the holiday season ends, the Southwest Region of Colorado’s Migrant Education Program (MEP) reflects on the incredible generosity and community spirit that makes our work possible. Each year, we are fortunate to witness the kindness of individuals, businesses, and organizations that come together to support migrant students and families, especially during the Christmas season. Sponsors and donors help us provide gifts, offer holiday meals, and create community connections.
BOULDER — On Jan. 12, the Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra, under the direction of conductor Michael Butterman, presented the exclusive world premiere of “Wind, Water, Sand,” a musical masterpiece by the renowned composer Stephen Lias.
ALAMOSA – Spark Speaker Series will host “Empowering Aging in Colorado,” at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 14, at the Alamosa Senior Citizens Center.
SAN LUIS VALLEY — The wind was blowing again today, making today’s high temperature of 37 feel like 20. But the winter sun was shining, so we bundled up and headed out to visit some local gardens. I love to stroll through a garden in winter. There’s a calmness about it. There’s no work to be done – no weeds to pull, no hoses to lug about, no pruning to consider. The garden is just resting, and it invites us to rest too.
SAN LUIS VALLEY — The Chama SPMDTU Lodge Hall was added to the National Register of Historic Places on Dec. 31, 2018.
ALAMOSA — The popularity of Western novels has its own lengthy history in the U.S., dating all the way back to James Fenimore Cooper’s “The Last of the Mohicans”. First published in 1826 and set in the perilous wilderness during the French and Indian War, it’s an extraordinary tale of frontiersman Hawkeye and his adoptive Mohican father, Chingachook, and Mohican brother, Uncas, who, together, rescue two daughters of a British colonel from Magua, deceptive Huron who seeks revenge against the British for the loss of his daughter.
SAN LUIS VALLEY — Bird watching is a year-round event. However, it is useful to look back on the year and re-live and assess those important encounters we had with birds. Recalling bird observations brings back to life those special and meaningful moments of our bird encounters. It also reminds us how birds can touch our lives with beauty, grace, and excitement.
Volunteers and park staff took part in the annual Christmas Bird Count in Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve.
ALAMOSA — Beginning Jan. 11 and running until Jan. 26, the National Western Stock Show is in full swing in Denver, bringing to the forefront (and economy) not just an expansive event like no other but also one that, by its existence, is held in homage to the agrarian roots that run deep in Colorado and have since the state first became a territory.
ALAMOSA — First Southwest Bank (FSWB), a locally owned, independent community bank and one of two Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) banks in Colorado, proudly announces that CEO Kent Curtis has received the 2024 Who’s Who in Impact Investing.
ALAMOSA — The actions and contributions of women have been left out in history’s telling. As writers and researchers J.v.L. Bell and Jan Gunia quickly discovered in writing “Women of the Colorado Gold Rush Era,” that women played a hugely pivotal and impactful but unacknowledged role in the formation of the state as we know it.
ALAMOSA — Legendary singer-songwriter Tish Hinojosa is known around the world for the strength, melodic beauty and pure clarity of her singing, drawing comparisons to Joan Baez, Emmy Lou Harris and Nanci Griffith.
RIO GRANDE COUNTY — Following the pursuit of a man on a motorcycle for a traffic violation, a deputy with the Rio Grande County Sheriff’s Office ended up taking the suspect into custody on drugs and a weapon charge.
ALAMOSA – The Adams State University School of Education faculty recognizes Cana Myers as an outstanding graduate from the fall 2024 class.
ALAMOSA — Winter athletes and recreationalists get ready for the annual Rio Frio festival. From cross country skiing to the polar plunge in the frigid Rio, and the spectacular Fire and Ice Bonfire in downtown, there is something for everyone.
ALAMOSA – Scott Honeycutt started at the Alamosa School District in 2003 driving buses. Now he makes sure that every student gets to school safely and on time, and that while they’re at school they are safe there, too. Honeycutt sits so he always faces the door. You could say his job is to expect surprises.
CENTER – On Monday, Dec. 16, the Center Viking Youth Club held its annual Christmas Dinner, and this year they served delicious pancakes. Santa Claus was at the dinner and handed out gifts to children.
MONTE VISTA – Valley Veterans Recreation founder and president DJ Salazar was all smiles in the group’s new building at 9 Washington St. Salazar and executive director Craig Rauwolf are excited to be hosting the group’s coffee socials at the building.